Creamware prodyssey
Creamware prodyssey

creamware prodyssey

If I map the Nord Lead rack’s filter to the modulation wheel on the MAudio controller keyboard, and turn this whilst recording the track, this is faithfully recorded. But when I try to record them as a track, only the playing is recorded and no cc data. I am using an MAudio controller to play the rack units and when I turn the knobs on both the Nord Lead rack and the sliders on the Prodyssey I can see the MIDI Activity In meter showing incoming MIDI data in Cubase.

creamware prodyssey creamware prodyssey creamware prodyssey

I also have a Prophet 6 and Nord Lead 3 connected and when I turn the filter knob, for example, this cc data is faithfully recorded in Cubase and the synths sweep their filters on playback when I record a MIDI track. My problem is that both my Nord Lead 1 rack and Creamware Prodyssey ASB klangbox (hardware not software) are not having their cc data being recorded in Cubase Pro when I try to record them as MIDI tracks. Sorry, this is a real noobie question but I have a Motu MIDI Express 128 where several synths are connected to my AC1 Carillon running Cubase Pro.

Creamware prodyssey